Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Leadership Value of the Day: Overcoming an Entitlement mentality

Leadership Value of the Day: Overcoming an Entitlement mentality

This is the second version of this post that I have written today. I read the first one and realized it was too much for many people to handle. That I had taken people too far to fast, and that if I want to reach people that I have to break the information down into small digestible chunks of information that people can understand before I spill all my opinions out.
            There are many layers to the entitlement mentality. I am only going to deal with the one that most people are aware of. I am doing this for two reasons. The first is simple; in order to change things you must first be made aware that things need to change. The second reason is because I am living it in my life now, but more on that in bit. So let’s just jump into shall we.
            The mentality that someone owes you anything is ridiculous. I see it more and more everyday. People that feel they are owed something in life. While it is true that many of us come from a lot that has not been dealt the best hand, we cannot use this as a reason to not put in the work ourselves to change our lives, and our world for the better. Many people think that just because they show up to work that they are owed a paycheck. Are you one of those people? Do you believe that just showing up is enough? While showing up is half of the battle many times we forget to teach that after you show up you must show up. You have to work to be productive, and not just go through the motions but to actually get results. We are a society that rewards just showing up, and not the results that are supposed to be a product of showing up. There are deeper reasons for this that I will not try to address in this short post, but we must understand that in this life we can only reap what we sow. Many say that phrase but few truly understand the meaning. Many of my friends are graduates of a university or a technical school, and believed that coming out of this most expensive and segregated time of our lives would yield the ability to earn enough to make a living. Many of us are being hit with the harsh reality that this is not necessarily the truth. While we may have learned theories and techniques to help us get in to a door, we have not been taught how to think for ourselves once we walk through it. That is the real problem. If we are unaware of what we really need to know to make it in the society we live in it will breed this mentality of entitlement, because of the promises made. Changing this mentality is simple it only takes two things. First, be productive. Measure your success in the things that yield results and not just showing up or getting something to a finishing point. Second, think. Take time to think out what you really want to achieve. Thinking is an activity many people do not engage in anymore, many have become content with allowing others to think for them, and thus we go round and round.

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