Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Get Out of the Car!!!!

I was having a conversation with a student not too long ago and we were discussing the length of the classes. As a suggestion the student wanted me to consider making the class longer. Currently, the class is three hours and the student suggested making it six hours.

I’m telling you this so you understand the story that I am about to tell you and the context in which it came about…Ok, Ok.

After a few minutes going back and forth as to why this would not be a likely solution to the issues at hand, I slipped back into my minister shoes.

*Not actually as I am not a minister this is just a term I use when I am on my soapbox*

So I tell the student about this one time when I owned a bread truck, and how miserable I was and how miserable I was making my family and how I always wanted to do other things but between making money and spending money I didn’t have the time to pursue anything else.

I was unhappy. Yes, I was making money. But I was miserable and pissed at the world. I was the living embodiment of the Grinch. Then this one day as I was sitting in my depot yard at 2 am, I couldn’t bring myself to get out of the car. I knew my family needed the money. I knew this job was a blessing and there were many people that wanted to do what I was doing. But I couldn’t get out of the car.

I sat in that car till 6 am. Then without a plan, I called my depot manager and quit.
It turns out that the job was a blessing but not how I thought it was or understood it to be at the time.

How does this relate to my student; you may ask?

Slow your roll I’m getting there.

In life, the world will not bend for us. Achieving anything worth anything takes a level of sacrifice. It will be hard. It will be uncomfortable. It will not be all fanfare and parades. It will test if you really want that thing. Whatever it may be, but you have to know that you will live and die on those decisions.

See coming to class twice a week when you work a full-time job is difficult. It is not easy and you must choose whom you belong to. Are you renting your free time to a company that you have to schedule your life around? Or are you biding your time till you can schedule your work into the life you want to live?

The first day after giving up my bread truck I felt free. I felt like I had something I had lost. I felt like myself. The future was unwritten but I knew wherever it was taking me I wouldn’t hesitate to get out of the car.


  1. I needed this today!! Thanks for sharing your intimate thoughts. You mentioned the car, how about getting out the bed. Inspired to be FREE!!

    1. Absolutely. Some days are harder than others, but we just gotta keep getting out of the cars we don't want to be in in life.
