Saturday, December 17, 2011
Knowing your business and what you believe
Mr. Dave Lavinsky is a graduate of UCLA’s MBA program. He has worked with many companies developing over 100 business plans for many well-known companies. However his point alone did not fully clarify the information to the point of true understanding. It was not until I referred back to the other expert’s information that I was fully able to see what it is that they were both saying in the clearest and simplest forms. Mr. William A. Sahlman’s ideas were not of the same strict guidelines, however the principals were similar. Execution is Mr. Sahlman’s main focus.
In that simple idea that execution is what separates the amateur from the professional, Mr. Sahlman and Mr. Lavinsky had stated the same key point. It is only when you know your business niche so well that you can plan and maneuver you business like a ship on the sea that you will be able to execute as skillfully as the captain of such a powerful vessel. So based on that realization I was able to adjust two things. First thing was to narrow the scope of my business to the initial genesis of the idea. That was providing other writers with the assistance needed to make successful short films out of their written work. The next step was streamlining my company to be able to do this without a large overhead. This could only be accomplished by employing people that are experts in their field and on an as needed basis and keeping the actual day-to-day employees to a minimum. This allows us to calculate the amount of money needed to pay employees on a month-to-month basis. This was a very important factor however it was not the most important factor for our investors. Knowing who is involved is important however it is more important in my opinion for an investor to know how the company plans on making money. So the break down on monthly sales seems to be the most important factor to me. If the figures seem feasible there then I would want to know if the team in place had the skills to pull off the numbers being projected. I also referred back to the theory of the golden circle, so in closing I will leave you with this video as it
helped to change the way I do business and the way I put my business together. Knowing your niche inside and out is only the beginning knowing why you do what you do is the ultimate goal of all that what to transcend just being another company in a sea of companies that do what you do.
Lavinsky, D. (2010). Two Paths –Which Will You, Choose. Retrieved November
Lavinsky, D. (2009). Business Plan Milestones –How are they essential to your
success. Retrieved November 21, 2011
Sahlman, W. (1997). Harvard Business Review. Retrieved November 21, 2011
Sinek, Simon. (2009). How great leaders inspire. Retrieved December 16, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Expert Business Plan Ideologies
Dave Lavinsky is a graduate of UCLA, where he earned his MBA. After graduating he began to work with many companies developing over 100 business plans for companies such as Fathead, Paramount Parks and V, Starr Interiors a brand from professional tennis player Venus Williams. Mr. Lavinsky subscribes to a five-point focus for a business plan. These five points have to deal with the development of a business from concept to future plans. The first point focuses on doing just one thing well and shifting all of the focus towards that one thing. The second point he focuses on is having the proper marketing sales plan. This means that you have a well thought out plan and the means to execute it. The third point that is mentioned is the use of the correct model for your business. Maximizing the exposure and usefulness of the company’s services or products. The final points take the business plan to the next level and can indeed be the reason for failure of a lot of business plans. Not because they are that hard, but because many people according to Lavinsky, fail to put the necessary work in. Reverse engineering where you intend to be in five years and all of the steps that you envision it taking you to get there. Creating milestones is the way he suggest getting this done breaking tasks up into smaller more manageable pieces to move towards the ultimate goal. Last, but probably the most important point in Lavinsky's business plan points is communicating effectively. All of the work that has been done prior goes out of the window if it cannot be communicated in an effective manner to investors, employees and partners.
While many of William A. Sahlman’s ideas are based in the same fundamental facts the ideology seems to be significantly different. Mr. Sahlman has been involved with Harvard Business School since 1975 when he earned his M.B.A. He continued on with the university and earned his Ph.D. in Business Economics. Mr. Sahlman stresses that there are four factors for a successful business plan. The first factor for success according to Sahlman is having great people. Take a look at this video as he explains, exactly what he means. The next Mr. Sahlman points out that you should be aware of the opportunities that surround you. Being fully aware of the market that you are entering and how it is set up. Is the market large or small growing or shrinking. These according to Mr. Sahlman are important facts that should be in the plan itself and on your mind. All of this information has to be seen in the correct context and that is the next point. Understanding how to act within the market and the structure that you have chosen. Lastly paint a realistic view of the risks and rewards for the investors and for employees. This is important in order to plan your actions effectively. Notice that Mr. Sahlman’s does not call for the same strict development that Mr. Lavinsky suggests. This is merely a difference in ideology maximizing the tools you have around. Mr. Sahlman states “Ideas are a dime a dozen, it is the execution that separates us”(Sahlman, 2011).
Faculty and Research Harvard Business School. (N.D.). Biography. Retrieved
November 21, 2011
Gallo, A. (2010). Harvard Business Review. Retrieved November 21,2011
Growthink. (2011). Services/Business Plan Consulting. Retrieved November
Harvard Business School Working Knowledge. (1999). How to write a Great
Business Plan. Retrieved November 21,2011.
Lavinsky, D. (2010). Two Paths –Which Will You Choose. Retrieved November
Lavinsky, D. (2009). Business Plan Milestones –How are they essential to your
success. Retrieved November 21, 2011
Sahlman, W. (1997). Harvard Business Review. Retrieved November 21, 2011
0Ejy2qVH92PupxVXiC2bEMbFPt-g9LoiEaIcqK-b-uxem9AH- 9yTHzLOcsKJM01FrgczZRZG3w497EEvnz_4hoZTfEeiTYxJBRUExg8fhv1fpanZ0Z&si
YouTube. (2011) William A. Sahlman: Challenges of Hiring Good People.
Retrieved. November 21, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Independent series runs into local problem
This also left many of the contestants, who had made it through the preliminary rounds, what was going to happen and would they get to compete still for the 360 deal that was promised to them if they won the competition. Sadly the answer to that question is no. There will be no 360 marketing deal for the winner of the reality competition. However there will be a large cash prize given to the winner courtesy of Clear Channel Communications. So to answer all the questions in one swoop, yes we will be shooting one final episode this season to determine the winner of 16 bars to be a star. This will be all competitors’ last chance to prove they are the best in South Carolina and take home a serious cash prize. So in case you have not been out to any of the filming here is the first episode pt1 and 2. If you are looking for more independent film shorts check out Episode 2 is coming soon. Enjoy and feel free to leave comments.
Pt 2
Thursday, November 3, 2011
What is 16 bars to be a star?
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Head in the clouds? look out for Ultraviolet.
C/Net video 2007 retrieved Oct 26,2011
Chris Pirillo retrieved Oct 26,2011 retrieved Oct 22, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
How did this make it to T.V.?
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Jobs: Changing the world one innovation at a time

I had intended to write about the future of distribution in the music industry. However it seems more appropriate to write about the man who would inadvertently changed the way we listen to music, communicate with each other and forever change the tools we use to do business. Steve Paul Jobs was born in 1955 in San Francisco. Jobs claim to fame began in 1983 when Jobs was working as part of the Lisa project. Steve Jobs was removed from the Lisa project, and later took over another small project at Apple. The Macintosh was a project that was simply designed to make the computer as easy to use as a toaster. After finding some success with the Macintosh Jobs was forced out of the company and began to find new innovations.

Thursday, September 1, 2011
Go sue yourself!
I am sure many people recall the success of a little awkward film named Napoleon Dynamite. This off beat film made a splash at the Sundance film festival that landed the producers of the film a lucrative distribution deal and a hefty amount of cash according to an article by Eriq Gardner(2011). In his article Gardner states that the producers were promised a large percentage rate of the total net profits of the home sales, and have only been compensated at less than a third of what they were promised. All of this came out in an audit between the parties involved in 2008(Gardner, 2011). Could this have been resolved between the parties involved? It seems to me that maybe the producers tried to give the distribution company the opportunity to correct their actions before proceeding with legal action. It is only right if you have been promised compensation that you receive that compensation for the product or service that you have already provided, but what if there is some confusion about what your role, or obligations are to a company that has been representing you. That can cause a whole different set of problems, problems that Bruno Mars is now becoming familiar with.
According to an article written by Josuhua L. Weinstein(2011)the new crooner is riding high on his Grammy win, but is heading to court to sue his publisher. The company representing Mars initially to told him that he had fulfilled his obligations, and that if they were gonna continue to represent him the option would need to be extended from the company. However upon learning of Mars’s intention to leave they informed him that he had not fulfilled his obligations to the company. This by far is the worst kind of company or person to deal with in my opinion. It is for this reason that it is very important to be aware of what your obligations are to companies that you choose to let represent you, or to be fully aware of what an artist has agreed to. Fully educate yourself to some of the laws for your particular avenue of services or products provided in the entertainment industry. This will help protect you from frivolous lawsuits.
These lawsuits tend to come up when people feel wronged, but there is actually no legal ground from which to operate. However this does not mean it won’t make it to court or make the media circuit. Take for instance Lindsay Lohan Suing rapper Pit bull over his lyrics in a song. According to an article for KSFM radio by Big Al,(2011) the actress and her legal team are claiming “the lyrics, by virtue of its wide appeal, condemnation, excoriation, disparaging or defamatory statements by the defendants about the plaintiff are destined to do irreparable harm to the plaintiff.” (Al,2011) Unfortunately for Ms. Lohan the damage that has been done has occurred through her own actions and mere stating of her name tied to the fact that she has been to jail is not going to win her any quick cash, but who knows in this day and age people will settle out of court to avoid being taken through a long court process.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
P.A. to Producer
Sunday, August 7, 2011
A Picture's Worth...More than you think.
This is the case for David Cassidy. Many remember David from his four-year stretch on The Partridge Family. David was not naive of the importance of his image even as a young twenty-something actor. His contract spelled out specific percentages for his compensation before and after the show aired, as well as how he was to be compensated if he appeared with other cast members. Unfortunately Mr. Cassidy is now having to as Sony Pictures, to honor the contract they originally agreed to. ">
This is not the first case of actors or artist not being compensated for the use of their likeness to make a profit. The actors from the popular television series Happy Days are filling a lawsuit against CBS studios for the same reasons."> These actors openly state that they were not business people when they signed their contracts. However the clause for their likeness is in their contract, but for 37 years they had not pursued the monies owed them because of their own naivety. The bottom line is in the entertainment industry you have to be as vigilant to protect your image and collect money that is owed to you, as you have to be in seeking out the roles to help grow your career. Having the proper management is key. You must either be well versed in business enough to be able to protect your own self interest, most artist when they start off are not, or you have to be smart enough to higher someone that has your interest tied in with their own.
Industry Lesson #1 be vigilant in knowing your business, and craft.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Negotiations and music
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Another 48 hours competition
The kick off for the competition wasn’t until Friday at 6pm so we used the extra time to scout possible locations get a feel for the area that we were in and rest up. This competition was the largest that any of us had ever competed in. There were a total of 55 teams ready to lose sleep for the next two days to submit the best film in their genre using the line of dialogue, prop, and genre provided. As we all sat waiting to have our turn to pull our genre from the hat the anticipation began to mount as many of the teams pulled and became official entries into the competition. As our turn grew closer it was my job as the team leader to choose our genre from the hat. Wouldn’t you know that I lowered my nervous hand into the hat and pulled one of the hardest categories for us, Science Fiction! A little intimidated I wanted to choose a wild card immediately, but my team was content in the choice, and felt we could do it effectively, and maybe they felt we needed the challenge of doing something that we would not have normally done. What ensued for the next 48 hours was lack of sleep, writing, and rewriting, pick up shots, last minute plot changes, last minute location changes, and finally the night before we are supposed to turn in this film, a complete meltdown. Then in the wee hours of Sunday morning things began to come together the film began to take shape and we had a story that we felt made sense. However the drama was not over. Upon reviewing for the final edit we had some last minute changes. This was where the three new team members shined. Putting together last minute details, shooting extra scenes, and editing them in a timely manner. Due to their hard work and dedication to this project we were able to do what 11 other teams were not. We finished on time. If you are interested in seeing what we made the screening for the film will be Saturday the 18 at 7:45pm at the plaza in Atlanta. Shortly after the screening we will post and share this film online with the rest of our fans. Here is last year’s entry from us it was a Mockumentary called Adam’s Apples.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Joel Silver Vs. Goldman Sacs
Monday, May 16, 2011
James Cameron, TED, and Me
Monday, May 9, 2011
Ever wondered what this stands for?

Before I shed light on this intriguing symbol, lets take a stroll back down memory lane, to a time before the films that we have all come to know and love. It was a time of a new industry that was just starting to emerge. Silent films were the new past time for many as an escape. With the growing market there was a push from the government to censor the new industry. The leaders of this new industry took action to form an organization that would help to regulate their films before government action. With this the Motion Picture Association of America was born.
The MPAA has transformed since the early days, and it’s humble beginnings. Now the organization has offices in many other countries and partners with many different organizations and government offices to help educate and writ legislation that affects the ways we watch movies, as well as helping t keep us informed of the current economic policies and consumer ratings.
The MPAA has several different programs that assist in delving out information, and providing the newest ways to view movies and shows. The organization provides links to reputable sites where patrons can view media through verifiable sites. This is done in an effort to curb the “bootlegging” of copy written material. This brings us to another program that is offered by the association.
Updates on the latest information and legal rulings are also found on the blog. This is a crucial key in the ever-changing world of copyright laws. They are also are fully aware of the looming issues with theft of intellectual property. Choosing to make it well known the types of theft that are present in the industry and provide the consumer with tips and information on how to spot this material, as well as even listing a state to state listing of the penalties of infringing on the copyright laws in states that have adopted new legislation, with harsher penalties for those that steal intellectual property. However the reach does not stop there. They are also providing links to other resources that may dig deeper in to on specified area such as music, or other entertainment forms.
One of the most valuable tidbits of information that the motion Picture Association of America has is the information it has gathered on state-to-state incentives. This is informative for those who wish to know in there area what is needed to qualify for assistance to get a large scale picture made and the kind of money they can save in their own states.
Last but definitely not least the organization provides assistance to parents keeping them up to date on the latest rating system, as well as what each rating really means. This is important to all involved as ratings change with the society. All of the information provided by the MPAA makes it’s blog and website a valuable tool for filmmakers, as well as any one interested in the motion picture industry. The business of making movies is more than just pointing a camera it involves hundreds of people from costume designers to marketers. The service it provides is one that has taken many years to evolve to what it is today, and it continues to evolve, but the one thing that won’t change is the MPAA’s mission, to advance the business and the art of filmmaking. (Motion Picture Association of America, 2011) So the next time you see that symbol maybe you will have a new found respect and dare a friend that they really don’t know what it means.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Short films can be fun!!
Tune for Two (2011) from alfa primo on Vimeo.
oh yeah found it on FilmschoolrejectsWednesday, April 6, 2011
Who with a What!!!
All in all I believe that people seeing this movie will not go to look for a message, or even expect to see a particularly well-written script. What most people will go to see is the gory action, and to release that urge to see things spiral into chaos. This film should be great fun for the moviegoer who does not expect too much, but can enjoy seeing a writer’s commentary on society, and also enjoys the occasional gory action film that seems to say nothing about anything in particular.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
What is the future of televised sports
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Are we really surprised?
When does an actor behaving badly in their personal life, become a liability for the entertainment industry. We have seen Brittany bounce back Lindsey’s gradual descent and now Charlie “firing his fire breathing fist.” Charlie Sheen’s recent meltdown has been chronicled in Time Magazine, and have made it to every daytime talk show. In the wake of entertainers seemingly losing their minds and losing their jobs. when is it a real cause for concern? Are we concerned with these people who we have propelled into the spotlight, or are we just upset they are not the people, or characters we want them to be. The entertainment industry can be a hard place for an individual to deal with personal matters. Although you must give up some level of privacy to even be a celebrity, there should be some boundaries. We have learned in recent years that there are no such boundaries. Celebrities often live their lives on camera, and often this is not by choice. What other profession is twenty-four hours a day seven days a week? What other profession ask for so much of your personal life and demands that you lose your personal opinions if they are contrary to the norm. The thing is we build up these people. We make them by supporting their work. We turn them in to superstars. Only to watch as we destroy them. We often forget these are real people, putting money over a fellow humans well being, as long as they continue to work. Although this may seem like the only profession where your personal life plays a part in your professional life, it is not. In any career your personal life is often taken into consideration. When it becomes noticeably aware that what you do during your off time has an effect on what you do on company time you have become a liability. This is the case with actors, and entertainers as well, it is just more noticeable because it is played out on camera and in front of the world. This is all too often over looked until we have a major situation from which no one emerges a winner.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Is Four for you?
Recently I had the pleasure of heading out to the movies. This was a rare treat in these times, as the price of going to the movies has skyrocketed but that is for another post. I was determined not to see Big Mamma’s House twelve. So I chose what I believed to be the lesser of the two evils. While watching the new I am number four, I found myself actually enjoying it. The story was nothing new, but it gave me that feeling. You know that feeling. It’s the one where you find yourself cheering for the good guy even though you know he is going to win and somehow it is all going to work out. The story line did have me asking questions and wondering how this all was going to end up. and by the end I found myself wanting to see more. So as I bid Harry Potter farewell later this year I will look forward to the next series and wonder if there can be a new twist to a tail that has been done before.