According to many reviews of the new fall line up, it is a bad year for television shows. There are a couple of bright spots out there this season; among them Prime Suspect and Person of Interest seem to be the most prominent to me. Although this freshman class of television shows has yet to yield a stand out hit, they did make it to a fledgling season when other ideas didn’t make it past the pitch. This makes me wonder about the show ideas that were great, that didn’t get pitched or packaged correctly. So I thought we would go ever some of the more important information for someone to know about pitching an idea for a television show or movie. The first thing that you have to know is your story. If you are not clear on the story, how can you tell someone else about it? You must also be aware of what option you would like to take if they are interested in your story. Are you going to let them buy it, option it or are they going to license the work from you. You should also know what the company normally buys, and be aware of your audience. This will make it easier to choose who you want to pitch the story to. The presentation should be full of energy and you should be able to explain how the characters’ world works. All of this is assuming that you are already prepared and have an agent. Having an agent is the initial step if you ever want to get into a position where you have a captive interested audience to pitch to. An agent uses his or her connections to get you in the door. Getting an agent is no easy accomplishment, it takes some persistence on your behalf, but if this is what you want to do with your life then there is no time like the present to get started. So take a look at the links and start moving towards your future, maybe one day your show will be one of the lucky ones in a freshman class of ill-conceived pilots.
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