My Dad was the ultimate dream killer. My childhood was “interesting.”
“Wayne” he used to say. “Don’t waste your time on that if you are not fully committed.” Only he wasn’t that nice about it.
I’ve always been a creative, but it really was all I was good at. Everything else I tried could just fake it enough to get by. I played every sport he wanted me to, but at any given time I was only pushing halfway. It wasn’t what I wanted deep down I wanted to be a part of movies and television. My imagination ran wild with stories of comic characters and magic skateboards.
Although my father’s expectations would help me later in life, early on it only served to force my true potential underground.
By the time I made it to high school I was used to pretending to like everything everyone else did. Then on a whim, my Grandma Daisy convinced me Drama would be good for me to take. (Grandma’s see things us that others, including ourselves, don’t or can’t see in ourselves.)
In Drama and creative writing, it was ok for me to say the things that were really on my mind.
Wait!!! Thad, you’re getting off topic. My bad. Where was I?
Oh, yeah I can’t do anything else.
When did it become ok to not be honest about other’s skill level as a creative?
When I watch a movie I can clearly state this movie sucks, or I don’t get it. However, it’s that much better if I could reach out to M. Night and say… M…(cause we are comfortable with each other) what the hell was up with those killer trees?
I mean that is exactly what we have the opportunity to do when we know our independent filmmakers locally.
We have the opportunity; no we have the obligation as fellow filmmakers not to jerk each other off - for instant gratification but to prolong the experience for a tantric nirvana experience that will have us looking for the next chance to Netflix and chill.
Is that the correct thing the kids say, “…Netflix and chill?”
Whatever we want to call it we need to foster those who create quality.
We need to get rid of the participation trophy culture that has become our status quo. We can’t fear that our friends’ feelings will be hurt by our true and honest assessment of their work.
No, everyone’s baby is not cute. And if as a film community we want to get better, then we have to start pushing each other to do and be better. And part of that process is being able to give and accept constructive criticism.
Iron sharpens iron, people. Iron sharpens iron.
We need to get rid of the participation trophy culture that has become our status quo. We can’t fear that our friends’ feelings will be hurt by our true and honest assessment of their work.
No, everyone’s baby is not cute. And if as a film community we want to get better, then we have to start pushing each other to do and be better. And part of that process is being able to give and accept constructive criticism.
Iron sharpens iron, people. Iron sharpens iron.
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